School Idol QT Cool/TRYSET MAD催眠Series Complete Edition Windows10対応版他

『School Idol QT Cool』

School Idol QT Cool

メーカー:U・Me Plus
The birthrate in Japan continues to drop…Enrollment at schools everywhere has declined, and their administrators begin to fear the worst…In this turmoil, at one particular academy, a legend was born.Faced with imminent closure of the school, a plan was hatched: Creation of a ’’School Idol’’.This idol grew in fame, and the number of students attempting to enroll skyrocketed along with her success. With this plan, the school had no trouble keeping its doors open. In response, other schools followed suit, and a competitive School Idol Club culture was born. School Idols both increased the popularity of their schools and whipped students into a frenzy supporting their home idols.’’This is…the dawn of the School Idol Era!!’’I couldn’t make this up if I tried…This is the story of the Idol Club at one such academy. It stars one girl…and two ’’boys’’…――The hero of our story attends Hyakumangoku Prefectural Academy. He hasn’t discovered what he’d like to do in his future just yet and passes most of his days idly.However, his boring yet tranquil days soon come to an end…It all begins when his beautiful classmate Akaru Yoshikawa invites him to check out the club she’s in.It turns out the club this mild-mannered girl belongs to is none other than the pride and joy of the school itself…the Idol Club! Though…the once beloved Hyakumangoku Academy Idol Club has fallen on hard times. Including Akaru, only two members remain…Due to the sometimes…overbearing personality of the club’s president Aya Kuriyama, one by one, all the members have quit.Seeing our unsuspecting hero, Kuriyama’s eyes twinkle devilishly… ’’Welcome to the Idol Club!’’’’…H-huuuhh?!’’Before he knows what’s happening, our hero is dolled up as a girl and given the moniker of Cool Idol Haruka!Dress up like a girl and become an idol?! Our hero soundly refuses!However, after listening to Kuriyama’s passionate appeal and Akaru’s encouragement, he gives in and joins…As Haruka, our hero teams up with Akaru as the idol unit ’’QT Cool’’ and begins his life in the wild world of Idol Clubs!But being in an Idol Club is not an easy road to walk…Beyond just intense training, our hero must deal with constant sexual harassment from Kuriyama, repeatedly made to perform dubious act with Akaru under the guise of skinship…And then…something even more outrageous befalls our hero…’’I-I’m…I’m a boy…’’’’W-whaaaaa…?!’’An unbelievable confession from the beautiful Akaru!!What will be the fate of the sensational School Idol group QT Cool?!

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School Idol QT Coolアイドル・女装・男の娘・ラブコメ・学園ものU・Me Plus

School Idol QT Coolアイドル・女装・男の娘・ラブコメ・学園ものU・Me Plus

School Idol QT Coolアイドル・女装・男の娘・ラブコメ・学園ものU・Me Plus


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TRYSET MAD催眠Series Complete Edition Windows10対応版 兄妹~ふたり~ 【0円】ノラと皇女と野良猫ハート2 「極寒皇女アイリス」全11話セット 女装ギャルビッチ学園~ハーフ娘ジュディの誘惑~

TRYSET MAD催眠Series Complete Edition Windows10対応版


【0円】ノラと皇女と野良猫ハート2 「極寒皇女アイリス」全11話セット


肉欲デビル催眠・愛欲MAD催眠・妹欲DEAD催眠・Final season「バッドENDを・・・ 両親の海外出張のため、三週間早く祝うことになった妹の誕生日。雑貨の輸入業を営む父は、毎年こ・・・ 2017年10月27日に発売予定の「ノラと皇女と野良猫ハート2」より、特別動画「極寒皇女ア・・・ 明日香と雅のおかげで女装娘の魅力にすっかり夢中の主人公。毎日のように二人とエッチを楽しんで・・・


School Idol QT Cool


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